jueves, 27 de agosto de 2015



This method was make to teach Ancient Greek and Latin, the method has some principles techniques that are going to be explain in the video, is important to talk about the role of the teacher, student and technique.

The Grammar Translation Method is often use for teachers to make the students read literature ofd the Target Language they are learning. This method is interesting because the objective, that I mention before is quite specific. 

This methods has principles which are:
1.- The student must be able to read any kind of book.
2.- The student must be able to translate the targe tlanguage into their native language. 
3.- The student learning process is by memorization.
4.- The student must be able to write and read in the target language.
There are also other kind of objetives that are explain in the video.

The method has techniques which are:
1.- Reading Comprehension Questions
2.- Fill in the blanks.
3.- Synonims
5.- Translation of paragraphs,etc.

The relationship between the teacher and the students is just for giving the correct answers and answering questions.
The role of the teacher is to explain the knowledge and put excercises to the students.
The role of the students is translate and answer the excercises that the teacher has to make.
The role of technique is very important because this are the tools of the teacher to make their students learn in an easy way and understand the information that the teacher is giving to them.

The subjects that are commonly improve in this method are:
1.- Reading
2.- Grammar 
3.- Vocabulary
4.- Writing

For me this method was interesting because now I know how I learnt English when I was just a kid. My elementary school used to use this method, so that we were able to understand and read many kinds of information. I think that is a method that I would use if I wanted my students be able to read and understand the new vocabulary. 
I specially pay attention to the Translation Technique because for me this was very useful when I was young.